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Our Lady of Guadalupe RCIA Ministry

RCIA is a journey of conversion.

It embellishes our Christian community as it helps those in our parish to renew parish life. RCIA stands for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. It is a formal process for those who ask to become baptized, or wish to join in Full Community by receiving the Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

As adults, all three Sacraments are received at the same time, and once received, a person is then a fully participating member of the Catholic Church.

There are three periods or stages during which the parish members are asked to support the Catechumenate and Candidate.

1. Rite of Acceptance,
2. Rite of Sending, which precedes The Rite of Election and
3. Period of Purification and Enlightenment.

During these rites, parish members are asked to support them with prayers.

Sponsors for the Catechumenate and Candidates:
Men and women from our parish may be asked to become a sponsor or you may bring your own. Their role is to walk the path of conversion with the participant, support, pray for and guide them, witness their faith and celebrate with the participants as they go through the process.

The RCIA is a spirited course that takes about nine months to complete. It starts with those inquiring to meet informally, perhaps with a pot-luck. It continues the process of conversion by attending weekly sessions of prayer to gain deep understanding of our loving God in Christ Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

If you are interested and would like more information,
contact Rosario Ponce (707) 837-8962

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